Friday, March 6, 2020

What Is Accounting

What Is Accounting Accounting: An Overview ChaptersA Definition Of AccountingWhat Is Accounting: An Expanded DefinitionWho Makes Up The Accounting World?Tips On Getting Into AccountingWe have all heard of accounting, and we probably all know someone in business accounting, but do you really know what an accountant does  day to day and what their line of work entails? Perhaps accounting is the perfect job for you... let's take a look!practical experience of accounting procedures  or accounting  reports, then you may struggle to beat the competition into business.To find out ways in which you can improve your chances of being accepted for an accounting job role or promoted from your current position, see below.Focus On Improving Your Existing SkillsIt is no good approaching prospective employers with a less than confident attitude. If you think you are suitable for a role, then you need to make your suitability known.In order to do this, you should take the time to tailor your CV to the job in question, focusing on how your abi lities and experience match with the job description, person specification and desired qualities. But what happens if you have no experience to talk about in your CV and refer back to during interview stages?Well, if you’ve completed a qualification in accountancy or a related field, and attended accounting classes, then you most probably have the accounting skills you need and just need to find a way to apply them or to find suitable examples of how you already do so. Think about times when you've had to make use of numbers, negotiation, and communication skills, as even the smallest examples of how you've used accounting methods could be enough to impress the employer.Be Prepared To Work Your Way UpAs with many careers, you simply cannot start up in your dream role. You must always work your way up to achieve your goals. As a newly qualified accountant, you might need to work your way up from an entry-level position. Here's how to prepare for this.You should think about each and every decision you make in relation to your career as a stepping stone to success. Whether it's an internship, a junior admin position, a degree in accounting or similar (where you can learn the right skills you'll need for the future) â€" you’ll be able to gain some of the vital knowledge you need to progress so it is all worthwhile.Learning on the job may be the quickest way to gain the skills you need rather than going through apprenticeship and other study schemes, however, it all depends on what your future employer is looking for in terms of skills and education.Getting Qualified To Work In AccountingAAT, also known as the Association of Accounting Technicians, is the UK’s leading qualification and membership body for accountants, which means that it’s often a prerequisite for many accountancy roles, whether accounting auditing, working with tax returns, working as a ledger accountant or as a public accountant.Once you've got your AAT qualification, you can go on to stu dy ACCA â€" a course designed to help train more experienced accountants and those wanting to become Chartered Accountants - or a number of other professional qualifications and certificates.If you need help with your exams, search for an accounting tutor on Superprpf!

How To Evaluate Expressions

How To Evaluate Expressions We know Evaluation means simplifying an expression to a single numerical value. We know expression is a combination of variables, numbers and operations like addition, subtraction, etc. If an expression 3x + 6 + 9 x is there, we can write this as 2x + 15. This kind of transformation is called simplification of algebraic expressions. To simplify an expression, we need to write the equal degree terms at one place. Then we can add or subtract or simplify those terms. We know Radical expression of both variables and numbers inside a way. Example: Simplify square root of (169x^8y^4z^6) Solution:The given expression is (169x^8y^4z^6) We can write this as individually = Square root of [(13^2) (x^4) ^2 (z^3) ^2 Here, we can cancel the square and square root = 13 x^4 z^3 So, the final solution of the given expression is = 13 x^4 z^3. Example: it says; for x = - 3, Evaluate the value of the expression 6x^3 5 x^2 + 7x + 100. Solution:To find the value of the expression for x = -3, We can let f (x) = 6x^3 5 x^2 + 7x + 100 Now we can plug the value 3 in the place of x, then we have f (- 3) = 6(-3)^3 5 (-3)^2 + 7(-3) +100 = 6 (- 27) 5 (9) 21 +100 = - 162 45 21 + 100 = - 128

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Why You Must Stick to 650 Words in Your Personal Statement

Why You Must Stick to 650 Words in Your Personal Statement ACT SAT Prep and College Admissions Blog The Common Application sets a 250-650 word limit for the length of your personal statement. It may feel like it’s impossible to say everything you need to say about yourself in 650 words or less, but complying with this rule is about more than just word counting. It’s a life lesson. Disregarding the instructed word limit could come across as indicative of a lack of attention to detail and an inability to follow instructions. This will not be the last time in your life that someone will ask you to follow specific instructions. Doing it your way, even if you believe it’s “better that way,” might seem like the right thing to do, but it can also connote disrespect for the person asking. When you submit an application, you have not yet earned the trust to discount the rules set by people who control whether or not you are admitted to the school (or job). The unintended subtext becomes, “I think I know better than you.” It tells admissions committees that you don’t respect the effort they are going to put into reading your essay, as well as that of your fellow applicants, because you’re demanding extra time and attention. Not following the set guideline is handing the admissions counselors a reason to eliminate you from consideration. With so many applicants, dismissing someone who didn’t follow instructions is an easy way to pare down the pile of applications so they can devote more attention to the people who did. Being limited to 650 words also requires that you be more discerning with which details you include in your essay. It can help you focus and sharpen your writing. How can you express the essence of your story in fewer words? Again, this is a skill that will serve you in all aspects of your life. Being able to convey your points concisely will help readers or listeners stay focused on your message without getting bored or distracted by rambling prose. Write a long first draft. Include every possible detail that you might want to use to enhance your personal statement. Then cut anything that digresses rather than contributes to the plot or theme. Ask yourself if each word, thought, or anecdote is necessary. If so, how can you express it in the most economical way possible? I recommend Ray Bradbury short stories as a fantastic example of this kind of writing. He was able to convey an incredible amount of humanity and character despite the brevity of his stories and sentences. Adverbs are a good place to start with edits. Instead of using a verb and adverb combination, find a more specific verb so the adverb is unnecessary â€" “Shouted” instead of “said angrily.” Challenge yourself to make better word choices. Use your thesaurus and your dictionary. Make sure the words you use actually mean what you think they mean. Check for repeated words and use synonyms so your writing isn’t repetitive. Cut any words that are implied by context â€" “suddenly,” “it seemed,” etc. Cut clichés. You’re trying to stand out, and you won’t if you use tired phrases as a shortcut to conveying your point. Play with sentence structure. Use active voice rather than passive whenever possible to make your writing more dynamic and to eliminate extra words. Read your essay out loud to find points where the narrative drags or phrasing is awkward. Take some time to think about the impression of yourself you want to leave with this personal statement. It’s your best chance to inject some personality into your application, so choose your words wisely. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(215486, '6baac2ae-05a3-4610-9d1f-265c8cbd809f', {});

Which fall 2014 SATs and ACTs can seniors take for college admissions

Which fall 2014 SATs and ACTs can seniors take for college admissions Seniors theres still enough time to take the SAT and ACT for college admissions purposes!  If youre applying to colleges for regular decision (typically a deadline of January 1, 2015), you may take the SAT and ACT tests through December 2014.  If youre pursuing early decision or early action admission programs, you can submit SAT and ACT scores through the October 2014 tests.  Policies may vary by college, and you should always confirm testing deadlines with any schools to which youre applying.  Please visit the College Boards website for the fall 2014 SAT testing schedule, and the ACTs website for the fall 2014 ACT testing schedule.We know that fall of senior year is extremely busy with completing college applications and personal statements, keeping up with academics, and taking any remaining standardized tests.  If youve already taken the SAT or ACT in your junior year, you should be able to streamline your test review process in the fall and still improve your score!Here at AJ Tutoring, many of our returning test prep students who completed a full prep for the SAT or ACT in spring 2014 are now working on a 3 or 4 session review prep.  Typically, 3 or 4 sessions is enough time to focus closely on a students specific issues with the test.  During review preps, the tutor will review a students previous score report(s) to determine if there are particular topics within math (algebra, geometry, numbers and operations, etc), critical reading, or writing that would benefit from more focused review.  In addition to focusing on specific areas of weakness, students also have the chance to complete a couple additional practice SATs or ACTs, either proctored at our office or on their own.If you have questions about your testing plan or would like to speak with an AJ Tutoring director, please reach out to us at (650) 331-3251, or via email at  Good luck this semester!

Meet Tiffany, at 14-years-old, She Speaks Four Languages

Meet Tiffany, at 14-years-old, She Speaks Four Languages Meet Tiffany, at 14-years-old, She Speaks Four Languages Tiffany first enrolled in Kumon at the age of five because English wasn’t her first language. With each step of improved confidence, she completed the Kumon Reading Program and today enjoys writing poems and short stories. You might also be interested in: Meet Elina, a Dual Program Completer Who Has Developed Independence in Kumon Following your dreams: Meet 10-year-old author, Roohi Meet Jessica, a Kumon Reading Program Completer Who Has a Way With Words Meet Etash, a Kumon Program Completer Who is Using his Technology Skills to Teach Kids to Code Meet Tiffany, at 14-years-old, She Speaks Four Languages Meet Tiffany, at 14-years-old, She Speaks Four Languages Tiffany first enrolled in Kumon at the age of five because English wasn’t her first language. With each step of improved confidence, she completed the Kumon Reading Program and today enjoys writing poems and short stories. You might also be interested in: Meet Elina, a Dual Program Completer Who Has Developed Independence in Kumon Following your dreams: Meet 10-year-old author, Roohi Meet Jessica, a Kumon Reading Program Completer Who Has a Way With Words Meet Etash, a Kumon Program Completer Who is Using his Technology Skills to Teach Kids to Code

Abroad International School Nagoya

Abroad International School Nagoya Abroad International School Nagoya A very warm welcome from Abroad International School. We provide an English-based comprehensive education that follows the IB (International Baccalaureate)and the UK National curriculum. We maintain a low student to teacher ratio allowing for a strong student-teacher relationship and a variety of extra-curricular activities. At the Primary School, we aim to make children confident and independent learners. We provide many opportunities for students to demonstrate what they have learned. Learning at AIS is generally inquiry-based, where students are encouraged to identify pertinent questions and construct well-informed answers. Early Learning Centre (ELC) is for children of ages onethrough five. We recognize all children are entitled to the best start in life and support to achieve their potential. A childs experience has a vital impact on his/her future life chances, so we do our best to provide them with a safe, happy and secure learning environment. Mission Statement: Our mission is to develop confident lifelong learners who are; multilingual, inquiring, open-minded and respectful of all cultures. Through balanced reflection, and risk-taking, our learners will be able to communicate, develop knowledge and pass on positive principles for the benefit of both themselves and others.

10 Things Girls Will Never Tell Guys

10 Things Girls Will Never Tell Guys Photo Via: So here they are guys, take them in while you can: the 10 things girls will never tell you. 1. We’re Constantly Overthinking Things. Photo Via: It’s no secret that girls have ulterior motives for almost everything that they do, but I’m sure it’ll surprise most guys that we actually overthink every little thing that you (and we) do. If we say something stupid on a date, we’ll relive that moment for weeks wondering why we’re so stupid and not blaming you for never calling us back. If you mistake our favorite candy for Sour Patch Kids when it really is Reese’s, we think you don’t care enough about us. Yes, it’s crazy. No, we don’t care. 2. We’re Professional Stalkers. Photo Via: If you mention another girl’s name one time in a casual conversation with us, you best believe we’re stalking her on all social media sites and asking around to see who knows her and what she’s like. I promise you that after just 30 minutes of crazy girl stalking, we’ll know more about this girl than you’ll ever even want to know. 3. We Think You’re Disgusting. Photo Via: Guys, if you don’t know it by now, I’m sorry to be the one to break the news to you, but you absolutely repulse us. I mean seriously, that thing where you make the world’s most disgusting noise and spit: why? So it shouldn’t be all that surprising that we hate most things about you: your nasty, calloused feet, the way you only wash your hands when someone else is around, that sad attempt at a mustache that you refuse to shave off. It’s time to get it together guys, you’re killing us. 4. We Think You Should Pay. Photo Via: Don’t get us wrong, we will pump fake every time the bill comes to the table. But if you ever let us pay, you’re in the wrong. You don’t need to understand it, just know that it’s true for all girls. And yea, yea, we want equal rights blah, blah, blah. But chivalry isn’t dead, so man up and pay for our Caesar salad. Feminists or not, we’re going to reap the benefits of being women while we can. 5. Getting Hit On Is Actually Flattering. Photo Via: I’m sure at one point or another you’ve heard a girl complain about that creep at the bar that just wouldn’t leave her alone. She may sound annoyed, but underneath that is this major ego boost that she secretly can’t get enough of. We might roll our eyes when a guy shouts a catcall at us, or anytime we hear a whistle in our vicinity, but we’re loving every second of it. 6. We Spend A Lot Of Time (And Money) On Looks. Photo Via: I’m telling you now, you can’t even fathom how much we’re willing to spend to look good. Just to give you a rough idea: Hair: $100 Nails: $50 Makeup: $40 Tanning: $30 Waxing: $10 Gym Membership: $10 Clothes: Infinity Of course, these numbers fluctuate depending on the girl, but the outcome is about the same: most of our money goes into looking good. Do we like spending this much money? Absolutely not. Do we do it anyway? We don’t even think twice. 7. We Are ALWAYS Jealous. Photo Via: Don’t even ask. If you aren’t sure whether or not something is making us jealous, the answer is that it definitely is. We might act like we’re fine with you being best friends with a girl we think is prettier than us, but we aren’t. At all. So realize this sooner than later, because I promise it’s turning into a fight somewhere down the road, and it’s one that you aren’t going to win. 8. We Want To Fight With You. Photo Via: Speaking of fighting, here’s another little secret just for you: we love it. Not all the time, because that’s just miserable, but every once in a while we look forward to a good, heated argument. Some days we’ll just wake up, turn over and look at you still asleep, and it’s go time. We won’t tell you why we’re mad (probably because we don’t know ourselves), but we are, and we’re about to pull out all the stops. You went to a party without us three months ago? Get ready to rehash that argument, because you can bet all you own that we’re going to bring it back up. And I’m sorry, but there isn’t anything you can do to stop it. 9. You’re Right. Photo Via: The two words you’ll never hear us utter, even if they’re true. Just accept it now, and any married man will tell you the same: you are never right, even if you are. Just know that we know it somewhere deep down, and be happy with that, because that’s all you’re going to get. 10. We Actually Do Fart. Photo Via: Hah, as if we’d ever admit to it even if we did. I had you going there for a minute though, didn’t I? So there you have it, the best kept secrets of the female mind. Hopefully this gives you a little understanding, although I’m sure you’re just more confused. But hey, that’s exactly how we want it. It’s crazy, sure, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.